Sunday, July 10, 2011

Video Contest Results!

Thanks to everyone who entered our first video contest! Some of you entered plain music videos, which wasn't what the theme was. Reading directions could help yanno? Anyways, the winners....

In first place we have Maddawg99!
She met Oprah Winfrey...with a twist ending! Genius! You win the gold medal and 1 week of citizenship!

Second place goes to Medner!
His video describes Justin Beibers actual life! Haha JK! Love the plot! You get the silver medal and 5 days of citizenship!

Last but not least, Salmon219!
Your video literally made us laugh out loud! Simple yet hilarious! You win the bronze medal and 3 days of citizenship!

Your citizenship will come shortly. Congrats to the winners! If you didn't win, dont give up! You're probably tired of people saying don't give up, but hard work will eventually pay off ;)

Loopy the Lurker


  1. Yay, congrats all. I'm sorry, I'm greedy but do I still get any item? :P its ok if not xD

  2. lol ty and my vid made me laugh as well lol

